Coach Nadia’s Studying In The UK Story

Where I Started

Hi, I’m Nadia and I’m the founder and principle coach for Beyond Discovery Coaching. I help students studying in the UK bring their British degrees back to the US job market through customized and supportive career coaching.

Like many of you reading this article, I spent countless hours scouring the internet for information on how to study a degree in the UK. I was Googling every topic under the sun, from university rankings to best UK cities for LGBTQ+ culture. I honestly had no idea what I was doing or what I was looking for, I just knew that somehow, some way, I was going to be studying in the UK.

Studying abroad was always part of my education path. I completed a summer study abroad in history and classic studies in Greece as part of my undergraduate degree. When I found out how easy and affordable it was complete a master’s degree in the UK, I jumped at the chance.

I figured if anything, at least studying in an English speaking country where I knew the language was already a step up from my time in Greece, where I knew not barely a simple tourist phrase in Greek. Talk about a long summer….

I ended up spending a year living, working and studying at the University of Roehampton in London, England. During my time abroad, I worked for a study abroad company helping fellow US students assimilate and thrive in UK culture, which was how I got into international education student recruitment.

I grew and strengthened my student development and support skills exponentially in those 12 months- more so than any internship or full-time job I had to date. My UK education really what jump-started my career. A UK master’s degree was shorter and less expensive than a US degree and it brought so much value and validity to my resume that I didn't realize was lacking.

My British degree taught me the skills and mental discipline to undertake a year-long research exploration into an education topic that mattered to me. It was personal, academically rigorous and I am more proud of earning my final dissertation grade than any other academic accomplishment in my life.

How It’s Going

I’ve spent the past 15 years working with students in different roles across academia. I am now a career coach helping students design and build happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching.

My expertise includes but not limited to career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization. My pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I love connecting with folks from underrepresented groups and marginalized identities.

I’m sharing my experience to show how you can change your life, your career and your path at any age, with any level of experience. Studying in the UK was the best decision of my life and has opened my world up to people, places and possibilities I never imagined.

I will always have a piece of my heart in London with my education abroad family and look forward to continuing to share my experience as a student, study abroad advisor and now career coach with you.


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