When Your Empty Nest Begins A Career Quest

Becoming an Empty Nester is most certainly a bittersweet milestone. 

I recall helping my youngest move into his college dorm and feeling reminiscent during the long drive home. I was missing him already! Then, I spent the next few days relishing the fact I was finally in control of the TV remote and could eat Cheerios for dinner without feeling guilty! 

After those first few days, reality started to sink in, and I begin to think 'what now?'. 

In truth, many of my past career decisions were balanced against parenting and home life responsibilities. Having now fulfilled those, I had newfound freedom to think bigger and more selfishly. 

 As with many people, this new stage with increased free time provides an opportunity to rethink hobbies and career aspirations. The natural tendency is to try and recall our 'pre-parent' interests and career goals. We reach back into our minds to pull on threads of memories and are often surprised at how faint those memories are.

And more often, we realize the world has changed so much in terms of career options that earlier dreams seem limited or maybe even irrelevant in the modern world. While some people might have a specific dream they easily grab ahold of and fly with, the rest of us are left trying to determine which path to take. 

Modern technology and access to information have opened endless options and this can be a bit overwhelming. If you find yourself at this crossroads, there are some great ways to help choose the focus of this next chapter of your life.

1. Be True To Your Current Self

First, shake off any feeling of guilt you somehow gave up on your own dreams long ago. Trading dreams and priorities is an acceptable choice and now you have the new opportunity to either rekindle those interests or start fresh.

This is an important decision and should be fueled with your current interests, not any sense of obligation to your younger self. After all, the world has changed enormously since then and so have you!

2. Follow Your Curiosity

An easy next step is to look within your current place of employment and personal network. Do you have co-workers or friends with jobs you find interesting? If so, reach out to work colleagues to find out more and decide if it's an option you'd like to pursue.

Consider joining a work project team related to areas you are interested in. Leaning into solving an unmet need with your employer can give you experience with different roles as well as showcase your talents which could open opportunities for you.

3. Do Your Research

Use job search platforms such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, or FlexJobs to read through descriptions of roles you find interesting or resonate with you. Determine what qualifications and education they require and ask yourself: What do you already possess to qualify you for this role? How can you make your experience and skills transferrable to fit new roles?

Need Help With Your Job Search?

Enroll in our online course, Find a Job Fast: The Job Search Accelerator For Career Professionals

4. Discover Yourself

Still unsure where to turn? Consider taking a career assessment or talking to a career coach. This could be an informational interview with a current mentor or a formal engagement with a professional coach. An outside perspective might prompt new ideas that build upon your many talents.

PRO TIP: Download The Expert’s Guide To Informational Interviewing eBook.

5. Give Back and Receive

And finally, an often-overlooked option…. If you have an interest and aren't sure if you want to commit to it, consider volunteering in that capacity for a non-profit volunteer organization. Your talents will be welcome, and you'll get a chance to test out your new interest, all while helping others.  A win-win!


It's important to take a little time to explore your options and follow your passion. This newfound free time of the empty nest phase is completely yours to embrace and allow yourself to fly.


Meet The Writer!

Hi! My name is Terri Seydel. I'm a learner by nature and believe that all decisions begin with curiosity. When I write, I seek to nurture the reader's curiosity with intriguing content and strive to inspire their next decision. Whether the reader's intent is for education, growth, or a purchasing decision, I will help them along that journey with interesting, meaningful, and high-quality content. You can find me on Linkedin.



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