Why Do You Hate Zoom Meetings in 2022?

I’m about to ruffle some feathers with this one but I’ll just come out and say it. I don’t like Zoom. 

There are a lot of reasons one could find to hate Zoom meetings. They’re usually boring, someone is almost always having technical difficulties, and we can’t forget the fact that we’re all still wearing pajamas from the waist down. 

In 2022, let’s do away with Zoom meetings and instead, bring back the art of the email. Let’s go full-body pajama wear and reserve the right to leave our cameras off and our mics muted.

These are the top 3 reasons I hate Zoom meetings going into 2022. 

I Would Rather Stay in My Pajamas 

We are all still wearing our pajamas while we work from home…Right? This isn’t just a me-thing? Working in comfort is arguably the best part of working from home. Who’s going to know if you keep that sweatshirt on all day with your plaid pajama bottoms or that fleece onesie with the hood. 

Oh yeah, your boss might if you have to get on a Zoom call. See? They harsh the pajama vibe and make us all look silly wearing nice blouses, blazers, and dress shirts while we’re home alone and very clearly not in public at the office. 

Question for the masses here. Does work attire still apply if you’re not actually at work? 

This Could be Summed Up in an Email

I would be willing to bet that almost any Zoom meeting that just “has to happen” could be summed up in an email. If you think about it, there’s probably going to be a few pleasantries exchanged, a comment, question, or clarification check or two, and a polite send-off in the Zoom call. 

That same exact structure could be applied to an email and sent without any real screen-to-screen interaction. Plus, you can get creative with your email send-offs again. Some of my favorites are: 

  • Cheers! 

  • May the odds be in your favor.

  • Yabba Dabba Do! 

  • Tootles

  • May the force be with you 

  • Sent from my couch

  • Quarantined regards

  • Decent wishes

Next time your boss suggests a zoom call, try countering that offer with, “I’d love to but I’m so absorbed in all of my projects right now. I’d hate to lose momentum. Is this something you could send in an email instead?” 

Who are they going to be to interrupt your productive workflow? They would never dare! This means you’re in the clear in pajama land to answer that email in a timely fashion sometime during your workday, without ever being on camera. 

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We Really Don’t Need to “Recreate the Office”  

I don’t know about you, but if you fell victim to being an introvert in the workplace, the worst parts about being in the office were: 

  1. Having to spend off-the-clock time making myself look presentable for when I am on the clock. 

  2. Having to mingle and make small talk during breaks and in passing. 

Zoom calls bring both of those elements to a work-from-home environment and disrupts crucial couch time on the reg. We really don’t need to be spending time “putting ourselves together” for an unnecessary Zoom call, and we don’t need to be having surface-level, disconnected conversations in an already disconnected world. 

While Zoom has been a great addition in a lot of ways like allowing for virtual social happy hours amongst friends, being able to visit with loved ones in a more personal way across great distances, and made work from home possible for many people! With it came the parts of work we were all trying to escape.

Zoom can giveth, and Zoom can taketh away! Let’s leave Zoom behind in 2022.


Meet The Writer!

Allow me to introduce myself! My name’s Katy Duncan and I work as a freelance copywriter. I specialize in topics regarding health and wellness, fitness, and beauty, on my website, www.eudaimoniaeutopia.com. I offer an array of services including blog posts, blog management, social media management, product descriptions, press releases and editing expertise and I can be contacted through my website or on LinkedIn. When I’m not creating engaging, captivating content for my website or clients or contributing to communities of writers, I’m working on producing a fiction novel from the comforts of my quiet nook in the Pacific Northwest, where I reside with my feline friend, Merlin Magoo and many prospering house plants.



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